Friday, December 17, 2010


The television is an instrument that plays pictures in motion and sound. Pictures of animate objects is Haraam and its severity is multiplied since the object is made to seem animate by 30 picture frames per second. The impermissibility of television is aggravated by the factors and effects mentioned below:
  1. Pictures
  2. Music
  3. Immorality – nudity, etc.
  4. Agent of Zinaa (Adultery and Fornication)
  5. Negation of Hayaa (shame)
  6. Wasting time
  7. Interferes with one’s religious duties .
  8. Diverts one’s attention from the Remembrance of Allah
  9. Falls under the category described by Islam as lahw (impermissible amusement and entertainment)
In addition to the above it is the effects of the television that take our children on the path of drugs, alcohol, fornication, disrespect, confrontation, modernism and many other evils that are apparent in our society today. Know that these evils are often a result of watching and learning from television. Television is thus being used by some to induce crime and evil within the community. It is not just an instrument of entertainment, but a tool used to reshape and alter one's thoughts and beliefs by stealth.

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