Things that are Haram
- Alcohol
- Cholesterol (A type of fat always of animal origin, it should be suspected till the source is known, If extracted from Zabiha animal, it is halal, if not it becomes haram)
- Diglyceride (Emulsifier , if of animal origin it should be suspected till the animal source is known and if of plant origin, it is automatically halal)
- Gelatin (Usually of animal origin, mostly from hog (pig) if gelatin sources are from plants than it is halal)
- Glycerol,Glycerine,Glyceryl (It could be of animal , plant or synthetic origin, if animal source is used it is haram)
- Hormones (Usually animal hormones are used for human beings. One has to find the source before passing judgement)
- Lard (Fat from the swine, particularly found in the abdominal cavity. This is totally haram for Muslims)
- Pepsin (A digestive enzyme of the gastric juices usually extracted from hog's stomach. Usually not labelled)
- Rennin,Rennet(A protein enzyme used in the preparation of cheeses for curdling the milk. Usually not labeled)
- E120 (Contains insects)
- E904 (Contains insects)
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